All About Workplace Anxiety: Its Real and You Should Look for Expert Solution

Feeling overwhelmed and stressed at work sometimes is normal, but when you have this feeling persistently, it’s definitely a matter of concern. The stress shouldn’t be constant and it should never impact your personal life, or life beyond workplace. If it happens, consider yourself suffering from anxiety disorder and seek a professional help.

Remember that feeling anxious all the time at workplace can have a significant impact on your professional life, career, and even personal relationships.

Who doesn’t want a progressive career, a promotion? However, when the news of promotion gives you a feeling of fear and anxiety, causing you to turn down the offer, it is definitely damaging for your career. But it happens with people who have anxiety issues.

Identify some common symptoms of anxiety:

·         A constant sense of feeling worried

·         Crying for no reason

·         Not able to handle pressure

·         Avoiding close friends and family

·         Having sleep problems

·         Always worried about perfection in things you do

·         Having trouble concentrating

·         Losing interest in work

·         Overeating or undereating

If you feel any or all of these issues, don’t ignore.

Factors that may lead to workplace anxiety:

While it is common for professionals to feel a little anxious or nervous before a big presentation, or meeting with clients, or working directly with senior management. However, when the feelings are extreme and you have persistent levels of fear, worry or apprehensions, it’s anxiety. There are several reasons that can exaggerate the problem.

Some red flags that can help characterize anxiety are:

·      Gradually falling performance

·      Not feeling engaged in work

·      More missed days at work

·      Low productivity

·      Physical issues like sweating, upset stomach, and improper sleep

Do you need help?

Experts at Shine Psychology always recommend timely management of workplace anxiety and stress. It is important to manage a healthy diet and healthy behaviour like sleep routine, and visit a psychologist if the problem gets onto your nerves.
